Aug 262013


At Bulleen Art & Garden

December 2007



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Visitors walk along  a new coloured concrete path, following a vine with a pebble mosaiced stem and leaves studded with with hand crafted ceramic vegetables, leading to the entrance to Bulleen Art & Garden. This walkway is lined with beds of lush produce plants- herbs, fruit, veggies & companion plants.   This entrance reflects our growing efforts to inspire and promote growing our own food in our home gardens.

These garden beds are a  21st century Australian  version of parterre gardens . They are set out in near symmetry, but  are edged with recycled metal railings in place of the traditional hedging . The beds are raised, and will envelop visitors as they walk to the entrance.

The Kitchen Garden Walk and the Food Forest were both launched in December 2007 by Melissa King of the Garden Gurus.

This is a  team effort by many BAG staff &  friends .

Overall design and concept are by  Joy Froebel of    BAG.

Crafted landscapes were responsible for all the coloured concrete work, including the vine and pebble mosaics )

Hand crafted ceramic vegetables  were by  Meredith Plain  ( or click here for more information )

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